---- start of layout ----
├── config/ # Configuration files
│ ├── db.js # MongoDB connection setup
│ └── env.js # Environment variable configuration
├── controllers/ # Request handling logic
│ ├── scheduleController.js # Scheduling logic (generate, randomize, etc.)
│ ├── employeeController.js # Employee management (preferences, etc.)
│ └── statsController.js # Work hours statistics and analytics
├── models/ # Database models
│ ├── Employee.js # Employee schema/model
│ ├── Schedule.js # Schedule schema/model
│ └── Statistics.js # Statistics schema/model
├── routes/ # API route definitions
│ ├── scheduleRoutes.js # Routes for schedule operations
│ ├── employeeRoutes.js # Routes for employee management
│ └── statsRoutes.js # Routes for statistics
├── services/ # Business logic and helper functions
│ ├── scheduleService.js # Schedule generation and balancing logic
│ └── statsService.js # Statistics computation
├── utils/ # Utility functions (e.g., error handling)
│ ├── errorHandler.js # Custom error handling middleware
│ └── validators.js # Input validation functions
├── .env # Environment variables (e.g., DB URL)
├── server.js # Entry point of the backend server
└── package.json # Node dependencies and scripts
├── public/ # Static files
│ └── index.html # Main HTML file
├── src/ # Main source folder
│ ├── assets/ # Images, icons, etc.
│ ├── components/ # Reusable components
│ │ ├── ScheduleTable.js # Table to display schedules
│ │ ├── EmployeeStats.js # Component to display statistics graph
│ │ ├── PreferencesForm.js # Form for employee preferences
│ │ └── Navbar.js # Navigation bar
│ ├── pages/ # Page-level components
│ │ ├── Dashboard.js # Main dashboard for schedule overview
│ │ ├── Schedule.js # Page for schedule creation and viewing
│ │ └── EmployeeDetail.js # Employee-specific view with stats and preferences
│ ├── services/ # API calls to backend
│ │ ├── scheduleService.js # API functions for schedule operations
│ │ ├── employeeService.js # API functions for employee management
│ │ └── statsService.js # API functions for statistics
│ ├── utils/ # Helper functions
│ │ └── formatDate.js # Date formatting functions
│ ├── App.js # Main React component
│ ├── index.js # Entry point for React app
│ └── styles/ # CSS or Tailwind files
│ └── main.css # Global styles or Tailwind imports
├── .env # Environment variables (API URLs, etc.)
├── package.json # React dependencies and scripts
└── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
The present is the only time we truly have.
---- End of layout ----